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路面清掃日記『リハビリ報告』 / Road Ckeaning Diary "Rehabilitation Report"


On Tuesday, October 29, 2024, we cleaned the road surface of "Traffic Park" in Ako City, so we would like to report on this.


『 自然溢れる外周路 / Peimenter Road Full of Nature 』

交通公園の中央部の十字路から伸びる 2本の太い道路の清掃も残り僅かとなりました。しかし、図や写真からは想像はつかないと思いますが、これからが骨が折れる清掃になります。と言うのは、「交通公園」は河川敷の草地・草原の中にポツンと作られた舗装路の施設なので、施設の外周部になればなる程に、外側から侵入してくる草や砂・土が多くなり、それだけ路面の損傷も酷くなっているからです。

画像で示したのは、今回の作業エリアで、同じ箇所の清掃作業の前後の様子です。草による路面浸食の影響で、アスファルト路面が破壊されている事が判ると思います。こういう場所では、草たちは “地下茎” のネットワークを張り巡らして集団で繁殖しているので、その破壊力を止めるには、地表に見えている部分の草刈りではだめです。地下茎を可能な限り、それこそ、根こそぎ抜き取っておく必要があります。

The Traffic Park is a paved road facility built in the grassland and grassland of the riverbed, so the closer you get to the perimeter of the facility, the more grass, sand, and soil that invades from the outside, and the more severe the damage to the road surface becomes, making the cleaning work harder.
The image shows the same area in the work area before and after cleaning work. You can see that the asphalt road surface has been destroyed by the effects of grass erosion. In places like this, the grass spreads in groups, spreading a network of "underground stems," so mowing the parts that are visible above ground is not enough to stop their destructive power. It is necessary to pull out as many underground stems as possible, right up to the roots.


However, now that I'm used to cleaning work and my skills have improved, I tried to increase the workload a little to check the results of the rehabilitation.

『 リハビリ報告 / Rehabilitation Report 』


暑さが厳しく体調にも厳しかった夏場を過ぎ、以前の様に、活動後に発作が出る事も少なくなっていたので、今回は少し無理をして 6時間の作業に挑戦しました。結果は、清掃から 2日経過しましたが、今の所は発作は起きていませんので、リハビリ計画は順調と言えるでしょう。しかし、やはり疲れは大きく残っています。


Last year, I got sick living in Kobe, and in May I was hospitalized with heart failure, and my body was not able to put much strain on my heart. However, after moving to Ako, I started to pay attention to various things, from diet to sleep, and made efforts to suppress heart attacks, gradually reducing the frequency and severity of attacks.
And since the beginning of this year, I started cleaning up the "traffic park" that I had been concerned about for a while, with a heart rate monitor and blood pressure monitor in hand, in order to make it safe to drive.

After the summer, which was tough on my health, I have not had as many attacks after cleaning activities as before, so this time I increased the load a little and tried to work for six hours. As a result, two days have passed since the cleaning, and so far I have not had any attacks, so I can say that my rehabilitation plan is going well. However, I am still very tired.

All that remains of the main road is the outer circumference road, but since this is the part that is the most strained, I plan to do it over two more days. I aim to complete the cleaning of the two main roads by mid-November.


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