GRA 公式ブログ

NPO法人GRA ( ),オートバイにいつまでも楽しく安全に乗れる環境作りと    人材育成を目標にしている NPO法人:GRAのブログです

交通公園の利用促進活動、初日終了 / Usage Promotion Activities


Today (January 20th), we have been conducting a guide activity to promote the use of the "Traffic Park" in Ako City.
Starting with the city hall, I have narrowed down my visits to departments and companies that affect many people, such as the Board of Education, the local newspaper, the police station, and a large shopping center, but it was easy to get around because it is a compact city.



The first place we visited was the city hall. Here, we visited five departments that seemed to be related, including the department in charge of traffic parks and the department in charge of traffic safety planning. Next, we visited the Board of Education, which is in charge of bicycle traffic safety education at elementary schools, and there was a lot of talk here. After that, I will visit the editorial office of a local newspaper, and if I have a chance, I will write an article about the traffic park.

午後になって訪れたのが赤穂警察署です。訪問すると、昨年の 3月7日に訪問した際に対応して下さった 交通課の 2名の警部補の方は僕の事を覚えて下さっていて、その上で、「あぁ 神戸新聞に載っていましたね!」 とまで言って下さり、スムーズに話に入る事が出来ました。警察としては独自にイベント開催する事は難しいとの事でしたので、「もし、自転車やバイクの運転練習が必要な人を見掛けたら、ぜひ交通公園を紹介してください」と伝えてきました。

In the afternoon, I visited the Ako Police Station. When I visited, the two assistant inspectors of the Traffic Division who responded to my visit in March last year remembered me and I was able to talk smoothly. The police said that it would be difficult to hold an event on their own right away, so I told them, "If you see someone who needs to practice driving a bicycle or motorcycle, please introduce them to a traffic park."
After that, I went to a relatively large bicycle sales corner in the large shopping center Aeon, and told parents who are buying bicycles for their children for the first time that they can practice safely at traffic parks and lead to sales.

その他、幾つかの所を回り、17部もの「案内書」を使いました。その上、殆どが初めてお会いする方々だったのに、予想以上に案内に「共感」して下さる方が多く、「共感」して下さった方の為に用意した7部の資料「路面清掃の記録」が早い段階で無くなった程でした。 どちらにしても、GRAには直接的に収益のある事ではありませんが、全国で最大規模の広さを誇る交通公園を、より多くの人々が気軽に利用して、安全と生活の質も向上させる事に繋がれば本望です。

In addition, I went around several places and lost 17 copies of the "guidebook". On top of that, even though most of the people were meeting for the first time, there were more people who were "sympathetic" to the guidance than I expected, and the 7 copies of the document "Road Cleaning Record" prepared for those who "sympathized" with me were lost early on. In any case, it is our hope that more people will be able to easily use the largest traffic park in Japan, and that it will lead to improved safety and quality of life.


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交通公園清掃の「記録資料」を作成 / ”Records" of Traffic Park Cleaning

赤穂市『交通公園』の路面清掃(2024年3月~12月)を記録した資料を作成しました。 先日作成した資料「交通公園を利用してください!」を使う際の補助資料として使う予定ですが、二つの理由から、案内をする全ての人にお渡しするわけではありません。

We have created a document that records the cleaning of the road surface of the "Traffic Park" in Ako City. We plan to use it as a supplementary material for using the document "Please use the traffic park!" that we created the other day, but for two reasons, we will not give it to everyone who will be guiding us.

赤穂市の交通公園は敷地総面積が 4,000 ㎡ ととても広く、全国各地にある交通公園の中で最大級の広さですから、多くの人々が、もっと気軽に利用するべき公共施設です。ただ、長年に亘って路面が清掃されなかったためか、徐々に利用者が減り、今では利用している人は殆どいませんので、先ずは、それを変えたいのです。

One of the reasons for this is that in order to encourage more people to use the traffic park, I believe that the GRA should be like a black child, a presence that supports from behind the scenes.
The Traffic Park in Ako City is very large with a total area of 4,000 square meters, and it is one of the largest traffic parks in Japan, so it is a public facility that many people should use more casually. However, perhaps because the road surface has not been cleaned for many years, the number of users has gradually decreased, and now there are almost no people using it, so I would like to change that first.

GRAの活動もそうですが、私にとって、生きていく為のエネルギーの多くは「人」との “共感” から生まれていて、 “共感” の輪が広がる事がとても大切だと考えています。そのため、今回の案内活動で新しく出会う人々の中に、少しでも “共感” の気配を感じた時の為に、“共感” を深めていく「きっかけ」の一つとして、この「記録資料」を使いたいのです。 きっと、そんな人との出会いの中から、GRA活動と人生の可能性を更に拡げられると期待しています。

The second reason is that I want to increase the energy to live.
As with GRA's activities, for me, a lot of the energy for living comes from "empathy" with "people", and I think it is very important to expand the circle of "empathy". For this reason, I would like to use this "recorded material" as one of the "triggers" to deepen "empathy" in case I feel even a slight hint of "empathy" among the new people I meet in this guidance activity. I am sure that I will be able to further expand the possibilities of my GRA activities and life through my encounters with such people.
Then, from tomorrow (January 20th), I will go around the city with materials.



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後悔の日 / The Day of Regret



For some reason, I can't help but remember January 17, 1995, which was probably the day I left the biggest regret of my life. This has influenced my work and that of GRA.

『 静かな夜明け / Silent Dawn 』

1月17日、夜明け前、何故か目が覚めてしまい、うつろに時を過ごして、時計を見れば 5時45分。あの日と同じ様に、30年経っても、記憶は消し切れていません。



On January 17th, before dawn, I woke up for some reason, and I looked at the clock and saw that it was 5:45. Just like that day, even after 30 years, the memory has not been erased.

Not knowing what had happened that day, I waited patiently for the dawn, scraping through piles of fallen furniture and books, stepping outside and looking around. What I remember is that there was no sign of people or birds, let alone human voices, and even one ant was quietly hiding.

In the meantime, I was preparing to go to work at my place of work in Umeda, Osaka. I went from my home in Kobe, which was completely destroyed, to check the damage situation at my place of work, to check the status of the warehouse where the products were stored, and to be ready to respond to orders from customers. Naturally, I knew that it would be difficult to use public transportation, so I decided to go there using a motorcycle and yellow broth that I had finished for competition at the time.


『 後悔の光景 / The Spectacle of Regret 』


途中、崩壊した高架道路から転落したトラックの荷台から、搭載していた果物を盗んでいる 50歳ぐらいの女性を間近で見ましたが、注意すらできませんでした。そして、それ以上に悔いが残っているのは、数多くの民家が建ち並んでいた地域の路地を走っている時の事でした。夜明けから数えて僅か 2人目の男性が、一階が崩れ落ちた 民家の 2階の屋根に立ち、大きな声で叫んでいる光景を観たのです。通り過ぎてから考えてみれば、きっと、1階に取り残された人を救助する為に、2階の屋根瓦を壊して、救助ルートを作っている最中だったのに違いありません。でも、その時の僕は、ただ、出勤する事しか頭になかったのです。

Normally, I continued to drive alone on the road where many cars were running. The road was blocked by fallen houses in many places, and there were large steps at the joints, but I took advantage of the mobility unique to motorcycles to ride over the block wall that had fallen on the road and just kept running to my place of work.

On the way, I saw a woman of about 50 years old stealing the fruit she was carrying from the bed of a truck that had fallen from a collapsed overpass, but I couldn't even pay attention. And what I regret even more than that was when I was running through the alleys in the area where many private houses were lined up. Only a second man counted from dawn saw a man standing on the roof of the second floor of a private house whose first floor had collapsed, shouting loudly. If you think about it after passing by, you must have been in the process of destroying the roof tiles on the second floor and creating a rescue route in order to rescue the people who were stranded on the first floor. But at that time, all I could think about was going to work.

『 言い訳 / Excuses 』



毎日の食糧を手に入れるためだとか、1995年からの開催を予定していた、全国各地を転戦して年間ポイントを競うシリーズ戦・『ジムカーナ グランプリ』を始めとするイベントを開催するには、全壊した神戸では出来ないという「言い訳」もありましたが、どちらにしても、大きな後悔が残り続けている事に違いはありません。

The more I remember it, the more I regret it. For several months after that day, I rode my motorcycle to work every day, and although I had easy access to a lot of food and water, I don't think I did anything to help my neighbors and those who were struggling with their daily lives.

If necessary, I could have used the mobility of my motorcycle to rush to people seeking help, and I could have taken time off from my place of work, where there was no damage, to help people who could not wait for the government's support activities that had been delayed, but I rode my motorcycle to work full-time every day.

There were "excuses" that it would not be possible to hold events such as the "Gymkhana Grand Prix," a series of races that were scheduled to be held in 1995 and that were scheduled to be held in 1995, but either way, there is no doubt that there is still a great deal of regret.

『 あの日があったからこそ / Because of THat Day


If I were to encounter the same disaster now, I would definitely not act in the same way as I did that day. Even if a disaster does not occur, we will never overlook people in similar circumstances in the same scene. There is no doubt that it is because of such regrets that I am where I am today. From now on, as long as this body moves, I will continue to live every day, facing people head-on.

   NPO法人 GRA代表 小林 裕之
   NPO GRA Representative Hiroyuki Kobayashi


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『交通公園』利用促進活動、始めます / Promotional activities for "Traffic Park" to begin


Now that the road surface cleaning of the "Traffic Park" in Ako City has been completed, we will finally start activities to encourage people from all walks of life to use the park. We have created a handout (3 parts) for this purpose, which we will introduce here.

最初は、赤穂市役所の各部門で利用促進や利用案内を求める予定です。取り敢えず、交通安全関連の啓発活動を行なっている「危機管理室」に始まり、広報誌を編集している「市長公室秘書広報課」、赤穂市の事業所の窓口になっている「商工課」、そして Webサイトの編集・制作を担当している部署を巡ってきます。
その後、赤穂警察署に始まり、ヤクルト販売や郵便局など原付バイクを使用している事業所、そして 小学校と中学校を順に訪問して、春の交通安全週間に合わせた活動に『交通公園』の利用を勧める予定です。

At first, we plan to ask each department of Ako City Hall to promote the use of the service and provide information on how to use it. After that, we plan to visit the police station, then the business that uses mopeds, and then the elementary and junior high schools, and encourage them to use the "traffic park" for activities in conjunction with the spring traffic safety week.
I don't know what the outcome will be, but first of all, if we don't start letting people know that there is a large and splendid facility, nothing will change and the effective use of the facility will not begin.


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リング モーターの可能性 / Ring Motor Possibilities

sources : DRONE

電動化が進む中、将来、確実にモーターの一角を占めると思われる「リング モーター」を、その製造メーカー・Donut Motor の資料と DRONE のWebサイトページを使って紹介します。

As electrification progresses, we will introduce the "ring motor" that is sure to occupy a corner of the motor in the future, using materials from its manufacturer, Donut Motor, and the DRONE website page.


Donut Motor 』

英国の Donut Lab. が開発したモーターで、従来の回転軸を持ったモーターとは異なり、回転する軸の無い形のモーターです。主に、車輪(ホイール)にそのまま装着する事により、回転軸に頼らず、車輪を直接駆動する形式のモーターです。

It is a motor developed by Donut Lab. in the United Kingdom, and unlike conventional motors with a rotating shaft, it is a motor without a rotating shaft. It is mainly a type of motor that directly drives the wheel without relying on the rotating shaft by attaching it directly to the wheel (wheel).

『 そのメリット / Merit 』


二つ目は、駆動制御の容易さでしょう。ご存知の通り、現在の車両の多くは、路面とタイヤ表面との速度差(スリップ率)を常にモニターして、ABS(ブレーキ制御)やトラクションコントロール(駆動力制御)を行なっていますが、モニタリングしている路面に最も近い場所で制御をする事になり、より緻密な制御が可能になるでしょう。現在でもミリ秒単位での制御は行なわれていますが、従来型の ステーター径の小さなモーター 1台で左右に繋がっている 二つのホイールを制御する方式いとは、明らかに制御の精度に違いが生まれます。まして、同じ制御を吸入空気と噴射燃料で行なっている ICE(内燃機)車両と較べると、ホイールまでの駆動系による遅れが無かったとしても、圧倒的な違いが生まれます。

三つ目は、構造がシンプルになる事でしょう。従来の回転軸がある事を前提にした構造と較べて、ホイールそのものはシンプルなリムだけの形状になり、大きなステーター径による「回生ブレーキ」のお蔭で、従来の摩擦型のブレーキは廃止か小さくする事も可能でしょう。皿に、回転軸が無い事は「ハブ」が無い事になり、サスペンションアームなどは ホイール側と直接と繋がる簡略化された構造が可能になります。

The possible benefits are numerous.
One of them is that high drive torque can be easily generated. As you know, the driving torque of an electric motor is greatly affected by the size of the diameter of the stator that generates the magnetic force due to the principle of generating the driving force. Therefore, if the stator diameter is close to the wheel diameter, it will be easier to generate the required drive torque, which can be smaller and lighter.

The second is the ease of drive control. As you know, most of today's vehicles constantly monitor the speed difference (slip rate) between the road surface and the tire surface to perform ABS (brake control) and traction control (driving force control), but the control will be performed closest to the road surface being monitored, and more precise control will be possible. Even today, control is performed in milliseconds, but there is a clear difference in the accuracy of control compared to the conventional method of controlling two wheels connected to the left and right by a single motor with a small stator diameter. Moreover, if you compare it to an ICE (internal combustion engine) vehicle that uses the same control with intake air and injected fuel, there is an overwhelming difference, even if there is no delay due to the drivetrain to the wheels.

Third, the structure will be simplified. Compared to the conventional structure based on the premise that there is a rotation shaft, the wheel itself has a simple rim shape, and thanks to the "regenerative braking" with a large stator diameter, it will be possible to abolish or reduce the size of the conventional friction type brake. The absence of a rotation axis in the dish means that there is no "hub", and the suspension arm can be simplified to connect directly to the wheel side.



『 オートバイでの可能性 / Possibility for Motorcycle 』

この Donut Lab. が発表している資料によれば、オートバイ用として 17インチ(どの径を指すかは不明ですが)の Donut Motor が提示されています。それによれば、発生できるトルク(最大値)は 1200 N・m となっています。これを最新型のホンダCBR1000RRと比較してみると、CBRの最大トルク値は 114 N・m (11.6 kgf・m)/ 11,000 rpm)で、これは エンジンのクランクシャフトでの値ですから、1次減速比 と 2次減速比、そして 1速での減速比をその値に掛けて、後輪(駆動輪)での 最大トルク値は 約 1197 N・m (121.8 kgf・m)となります。ただし、実際には、エンジン内部の駆動系でのロスやチェーン駆動によるロスがありますので、Donut Motor では CBR1000RR 以上の駆動トルクが可能としており、その上、CBR(ICE車)と違って、極低回転にその最大トルクを発生するモーターの特性を考えると、充分以上の駆動力(トルク)が可能になっています。更に、ICE車とは比較にならない緻密さでの駆動制御が可能となれば、オートバイの新たなな領域を拓く可能性は大きいと言えます。

According to this document published by Donut Lab., a 17-inch (although it is unclear what diameter) Donut Motor is presented for motorcycles. According to this, the maximum torque that can be generated is 1200 N·m. Comparing this with the latest Honda CBR1000RR, the maximum torque value of the CBR is 114 N′m (11.6 kgf・m) / 11,000 rpm), which is the value of the crankshaft of the engine, so the maximum torque value at the rear wheels (drive wheels) is about 1197 N⋅m (121.8 kgf・m) by multiplying the primary reduction ratio, the secondary reduction ratio, and the reduction ratio in first gear. However, in reality, there is a loss in the drive system inside the engine and a loss due to chain drive, so Donut Motor is capable of a drive torque of CBR1000RR or more, and unlike CBR (ICE vehicles), it is possible to drive more than enough considering the characteristics of the motor that generates the maximum torque at extremely low rpm. Furthermore, if it is possible to control the drive with a precision that is incomparable to that of ICE vehicles, it can be said that there is a great possibility of opening up a new field of motorcycles.

『 考察 / Consideration 』

以上の通り、以前から私が推している「インホイール ンモーター」用のモーターとして、この リング モーターは EV用としての大きな可能性を持っている事は間違いありません。今後、同種のモーターを数多くの企業で開発を進めるにつれて、モーター用の素材や構造、製造方法で更に進化が進み、EV用だけに限らず、身の回りの品、例えば扇風機や掃除機での採用も増える事でしょう。

一方、Donut Motor の詳細な構造が不明な事もありますが、オートバイに使用した場合の懸念も幾つかあります。それは、剛性面での不安や耐久性の不安です。特に、モーターとしての回転部と車体側の非回転部との接触部(ベアリング/メタル部)の 剛性と耐久性、そして整備性については注視が必要です。

As mentioned above, there is no doubt that this ring motor has great potential for EVs as a motor for "in-wheel motors" that I have been recommending for a long time. In the future, as many companies develop similar motors, the materials, structures, and manufacturing methods for motors will evolve further, and their use will increase not only for EVs but also for everyday items, such as electric fans and vacuum cleaners.

On the other hand, the detailed structure of Donut Motor is sometimes unknown, but there are some concerns when used on motorcycles. It is an anxiety about rigidity and durability. In particular, attention should be paid to the rigidity, durability, and maintainability of the parts in contact between the rotating part of the motor and the non-rotating part on the body side (bearing/metal part).

< 出典 / Source Website : DRONE >


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路面清掃日記・2024年 大晦日 / Road Cleaning Diary, New Year's Eve 2024



This is a report on the road cleaning conducted on New Year's Eve 2024, but first of all, I have to apologize. When I reported on the cleanup on December 20, I told them that the next planned cleaning area would require three days, but that was a big mistake.


『 誤算 / Unexpected 』

今回、清掃を行なったエリアは、四角い交通公園の角地で、河川に近く、周囲から公園内部へと “草” や “芝” たちが侵略している一角です。

The area that was cleaned this time is a corner lot of a square traffic park, close to the river, and a corner where "grass" and "turf" are invading the park from the surrounding area.


一見すると、草や芝がコースの舗装面へと伸びてきているだけに見えます。しかし、実際には、大量の “土” がコース内へと侵入して分厚く15㎝以上も堆積して、その表面に草たちが生えているだけでした。従って、12月20日の清掃報告で「このコースで最大の土溜まり」と伝えたのも間違いです。今回のエリアの方が圧倒的な “土溜まり” でした。 

At first glance, it looks like grass and turf are growing onto the pavement of the course. However, in reality, a large amount of "soil" had penetrated into the course and deposited more than 15 cm thick, and only grass was growing on the surface. Therefore, it is a mistake to say that the cleanup area on December 20 was "the largest accumulation of dirt on this course". This area was an overwhelming "dirt pool". 

『 結果報告 / Report 』

現実を知ったとしても後には引けません。 こんなに厚く土が溜まっている様では安全な講習や練習は行えません。予定していた 3時間を費やして、コース幅 3m × 長さ 5m のエリアの清掃を完了しました。このペースで行くと、この角地の一角だけで 6日間の作業は必要になるでしょうが、やるしかありません。次回の清掃もこのエリアです。

Even if I knew the reality, I couldn't back down. If the soil is so thick, it is not possible to conduct safe classes and practices. We spent the planned 3 hours to complete the cleaning of the 3m wide × 5m long area of the course. At this pace, it will take six days of work on this corner of the lot, but we have to do it. The next cleaning will also be in this area.




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2025年も前進します / We will move forward in 2025

みなさんは どんな正月をお過ごしでしょうか。
NPO法人 GRA も、昨年以上に、着実に一歩を進めていきますので、ご期待とご支援を戴けると幸いです。

I hope you all have a good day in the new year.
The NPO GRA will also take a steady step forward even more than last year, so we would be grateful for your expectations and support.


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