As previously announced, on Friday 29 March, we submitted the report we are required to report as an NPO to the Hyogo Prefectural Government. We would like to introduce a part of the "Project Report" and the summary text of the report, which we invite anyone with an interest or concern to take a look at.
1 事業の成果
本法人は、事業報告書等で事業改善方針を述べていた通り、令和5年度は『社会的な広がりを広げる』という活動方針を掲げ、単にオートバイとオートバイライダーだけを対象した活動を行なうのではなく、より社会性を持ち“広がり”のある活動を目指して活動を行ないました。これは、オートバイに関する話題の発信だけでなく、社会や文化、芸術など、多少でも関連性のある情報の発信を行ない、オートバイライダーに必要な社会性などの視点・視野を広げると共に、社会からの オートバイやオートバイライダーへの見方を変える事を目標とした活動方針でした。
ただ、大変に残念な事に、この活動方針を中心となって進めてきた 5月、同法人の代表が病気になって入院し、その後、退院した後も体調回復に努める療養生活が続いた為に、当初に想定した程の活動を行なう事が出来ませんでした。
その為、オートバイとライダーの運転操作の両方を診察しアドバイスする『クリニック』は1回も開催に至らず、オートバイに関する様々な専門的な知識を図解を交えて分かり易く解説を行なっていく『セミナー』も 6回だけに留まりました。 それと同様に、公式Webサイトや公式ブログサイト、公式 ツィッター(現在は X)サイトを通じての新たな上昇の発信活動も、当初に想定した程には行なえなくなりました。 ただし、公式Webサイトでは従来から掲載している独自性と専門性の高い記事は引き続き掲載を行なっており、サイトの閲覧に訪れた方の数(アクセス数)は前年と同様の数を記録しており、その点では情報の発信を通じた啓発・啓蒙活動を一定以上は達成したと思います。
次年度においても、活動目標【 いつまでも、楽しく、安全なオートバイライフ環境の創造とその環境を守り育てる人の育成 】を継続して、更に、公式Webサイトの多言語化を進め、国内外の数多くの方々への発信活動を展開していきます。
1. Business results
As stated in our business report and other documents, this corporation has set an activity policy of "expanding social reach" in 2023, and will not only carry out activities targeting motorcycles and motorcycle riders. Instead, we aimed for activities that were more social and "wider." This is not only to disseminate topics related to motorcycles, but also to disseminate information that is even slightly related to society, culture, art, etc., and to broaden the perspective and perspective of the sociability that motorcycle riders need, as well as to be a part of society. The aim of this activity was to change the way people view motorcycles and motorcycle riders.
Unfortunately, however, in May, the representative of the corporation, who had been playing a central role in promoting this activity policy, became ill and was hospitalized, and even after being discharged from the hospital, he continued to undergo medical treatment as he worked to recover his health. Due to this, we were not able to carry out as many activities as we had originally envisioned.
For this reason, we have never held a "clinic" that examines and provides advice on both motorcycles and rider driving operations, but rather "seminar" that explains various specialized knowledge about motorcycles in an easy-to-understand manner with illustrations. but we only played six times. In the same way, the activities to disseminate the new rise through the official website, official blog site, and official Twitter site (currently X) have not been carried out as much as originally expected. However, the official website continues to publish highly original and specialized articles, and the number of people visiting the website (number of accesses) remains at the same level as last year. In this respect, I believe that we have achieved a certain level of awareness and enlightenment activities through the dissemination of information.
In the next fiscal year, we will continue our activity goals of "Creating an environment that is always fun and safe for motorcycles, and nurturing people who protect and nurture that environment." We will also promote the multilingualization of our official website, and we will continue to work with many people in Japan and overseas. We will continue to carry out outreach activities to the following people.
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