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路面清掃日記『草の根の脅威 』/ Road Cleaning Diary "Grassroots Threat"

2024年 10月22日と24日の両日、赤穂市にある「交通公園」の路面清掃をしましたので報告します。

We cleaned the road surface of "Traffic Park" in Ako City on both October 22nd and 24th, 2024, so we would like to report on it.

『 草の根の脅威 / Grassroots Threat 』

以前、清掃活動を報告書で知った 2人の方から「草刈り機ありますけど、使いませんか」と別々に申し出を受けた事があります。とても、ありがたい事です。きっと、報告書の画像から、雑草の刈り取りが大変そうに見えたのでしょう。お二人には、「ありがとうございます。でも、路面清掃がメインですから」とお断りしました。




Due to the lack of sufficient road cleaning for many years, the important asphalt pavement has been eroded, collapsed, and there are many places where it has risen up due to the root acid secreted from the grass roots, so in order to protect the road surface, it is essential to remove the grass that has broken through the asphalt and grown. In addition, we do not cut off the parts that are sticking out from the ground surface, but remove them by the roots, which takes a lot of time and effort, and most of the road cleaning work is spent on removing the grass.



『 今後の見通し / Future Outlook

公園の中央部を走る太い道路の未清掃区間は残り僅かとなりましたが、中央部に較べて外周部の方が路面も草も荒れているので、南北道路を終えるまには、あと少なくとも 3日間の作業が必要になるでしょう。そして、11月に入ってからは、外周路の作業に入る予定です。しかし、外周路にはとても大きな “土砂溜まり” が点在していて、走行するにはとても危険な場所が数多くあるので、そうい場所のスポット清掃から始める予定です。


It will take at least three more days of work to finish cleaning the central part of the park. Then, in November, we plan to start work on the outer road. However, the outer road is dotted with very large "dirt piles" and there are many places that are very dangerous to drive on, so we plan to start with spot cleaning of those places.

In order to make the area more suitable for safe driving lessons during the Spring Traffic Safety Driving Week, bicycle safety lessons for newly enrolled junior high school students, and driving lessons for newly hired postal workers and Yakult Ladies, in addition to the main wide central road that will be used as the main route, we would like to make the outer road, which is to be used as a "travel path," as safe as possible to use in order to ensure smooth operation.



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