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交通公園の利用促進活動、初日終了 / Usage Promotion Activities


Today (January 20th), we have been conducting a guide activity to promote the use of the "Traffic Park" in Ako City.
Starting with the city hall, I have narrowed down my visits to departments and companies that affect many people, such as the Board of Education, the local newspaper, the police station, and a large shopping center, but it was easy to get around because it is a compact city.



The first place we visited was the city hall. Here, we visited five departments that seemed to be related, including the department in charge of traffic parks and the department in charge of traffic safety planning. Next, we visited the Board of Education, which is in charge of bicycle traffic safety education at elementary schools, and there was a lot of talk here. After that, I will visit the editorial office of a local newspaper, and if I have a chance, I will write an article about the traffic park.

午後になって訪れたのが赤穂警察署です。訪問すると、昨年の 3月7日に訪問した際に対応して下さった 交通課の 2名の警部補の方は僕の事を覚えて下さっていて、その上で、「あぁ 神戸新聞に載っていましたね!」 とまで言って下さり、スムーズに話に入る事が出来ました。警察としては独自にイベント開催する事は難しいとの事でしたので、「もし、自転車やバイクの運転練習が必要な人を見掛けたら、ぜひ交通公園を紹介してください」と伝えてきました。

In the afternoon, I visited the Ako Police Station. When I visited, the two assistant inspectors of the Traffic Division who responded to my visit in March last year remembered me and I was able to talk smoothly. The police said that it would be difficult to hold an event on their own right away, so I told them, "If you see someone who needs to practice driving a bicycle or motorcycle, please introduce them to a traffic park."
After that, I went to a relatively large bicycle sales corner in the large shopping center Aeon, and told parents who are buying bicycles for their children for the first time that they can practice safely at traffic parks and lead to sales.

その他、幾つかの所を回り、17部もの「案内書」を使いました。その上、殆どが初めてお会いする方々だったのに、予想以上に案内に「共感」して下さる方が多く、「共感」して下さった方の為に用意した7部の資料「路面清掃の記録」が早い段階で無くなった程でした。 どちらにしても、GRAには直接的に収益のある事ではありませんが、全国で最大規模の広さを誇る交通公園を、より多くの人々が気軽に利用して、安全と生活の質も向上させる事に繋がれば本望です。

In addition, I went around several places and lost 17 copies of the "guidebook". On top of that, even though most of the people were meeting for the first time, there were more people who were "sympathetic" to the guidance than I expected, and the 7 copies of the document "Road Cleaning Record" prepared for those who "sympathized" with me were lost early on. In any case, it is our hope that more people will be able to easily use the largest traffic park in Japan, and that it will lead to improved safety and quality of life.


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