自宅から 3㎞。途中に信号は1個だけという、絶好の場所が使えそうです。
3km from home. There is only one traffic light along the way, so it looks like it will be a great driving venue. It's a facility run by the city where I live, but there are no signs of it being used recently, and the course surface is rough.
Therefore, I offered to clean the course and received their approval. I think it will take a lot of time and days, but I would like to see an increase in the number of people using the facility.
Recently, I've been really inspired by someone I've become friends with this year. Living in a foreign country, he is passionate about riding motorcycles well, but more than that, he is a very polite and honest person. I don't want to lose to him, so I will gradually increase the amount of riding I do while watching my health recover.
And we will increase the number of messages sent to passionate riders around the world, including him.
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